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Waste and recycling

Pandox wants to encourage a more circular approach to material selection and waste management. Pandox's own hotel operations generate waste mainly in the form of packaging and wrapping from purchased goods.
also generate food waste.

Generation of waste and its impact

Waste is generated at several different stages within Pandox - at the hotels in day-to-day operations, in ongoing property management and in construction projects. In Pandox's own hotel operations, waste is generated mainly in the form of packaging and packaging for purchased goods. Food waste is also generated in the hotel kitchens. During renovations and remodelling, waste is generated both in the form of packaging for goods used in construction and when existing structures are demolished. This applies to all types of construction and maintenance projects undertaken - be it bathroom renovations, extensions or replacement of technical installations. Waste is also generated upstream in the value chain - in the production of the goods and materials Pandox purchases - and downstream in the value chain - by our tenants and hotel guests. Pandox engages waste and recycling companies to collect and dispose of the sorted waste.

Measures to reduce waste and increase recycling

Pandox's target in Own operations is to reduce the amount of waste to 1.0 kg per guest night by 2025 and to the EU level of 0.6 kg per guest night by 2030. During the year this figure averaged 1.2 (1.2) kg per guest night. There is also a target related to recycling rates; hotels should recycle 65% by 2025 and reach the EU level of 85% by 2030. In 2023, this level was 57 (53) per cent. This data includes 15 out of 20 hotels where the green module is installed and reliable data is available.

Food waste represents on average 4-12 per cent of food costs for hotels. This means financial losses, and it contributes negatively to greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2019, Pandox has been working with a foodtech system that categorises and registers all food that is thrown away, enabling hotels to identify what types of food are wasted, and whether waste occurs before or after consumption. The aim is to increase knowledge about overproduction and improve purchasing planning. In addition, different methods are used to reduce food waste. For example, the breakfast buffet includes bulk dispensers for jam, butter and honey instead of disposable items and yoghurt machines instead of plastic packaging.

Pandox's goal is to reduce food waste by 30 per cent per year in the 15 hotel properties that have installed the system.

In 2023, the average result was 35 per cent. Three more hotels will install the system in 2024.

Measures that have proved successful so far include the use of Too Good To Go - an app that allows hotels to sell leftover raw materials at a discounted price - and donating coffee grounds to local gardens.