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Climate risk and adaptation of the buildings

Climate change impacts Pandox as a company as well as its properties – and will continue to do so in the future. Today’s society is highly vulnerable to climate change because it is adapted to a climate of the past.

Body Climate change will lead to higher temperatures and changed precipitation patterns, as well as more frequent and intensive extreme weather events such as torrential rain, heatwaves and drought. It is therefore important right now to analyse how Pandox will be impacted and to plan ways to manage potential effects.

Climate risk assessment of buildings in connection with acquisitions

Climate change will lead to increasing instances of extreme weather; heatwaves, droughts and intense downpours will soon have to be taken into account as part of everyday activities. Therefore, it is it is important to already map out how Pandox's operations may be affected, and plan for how potential effects can be managed.

Pandox uses a climate risk tool that analyses and evaluates Pandox's exposure to physical climate risks and natural disaster risks. It also identifies which climate adaptation measures need to be implemented at property level. All properties underwent a desktop analysis in 2023. For high-risk properties, an individual needs analysis is to be conducted to determine whether a site-based assessment is necessary. No site-based assessments were conducted in 2023.

A new needs analysis will be conducted for 2024. Going forward, evaluation of climate risk and climate adaptation measures will be a natural part of Pandox's investment process.