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Business ethics and anti-corruption

To ensure that Pandox acts according to proper business ethics and complies with laws and practices, the Company has an Anti-Corruption Policy and a Code of Conduct for the employees.To ensure that Pandox acts according to proper business ethics and complies with laws and practices, the Company has an Anti-Corruption Policy and a Code of Conduct for the employees. These clearly describe the expectations of how each employee is to behave to create a respectful and positive work environment for everyone. If employees of Pandox have questions regarding how to interpret or apply in practice Pandox’s policies or codes of conduct, they can contact Pandox’s SVP, Director of Sustainable Business.

Training in the Code of Conduct and business ethics

To ensure that Pandox acts ethically and complies with laws and practices, the Company has a Code of Conduct that applies to all employees. It clearly outlines expectations for individual behavior to create a respectful and positive work environment for all.

Pandox also has a digital training course on the Code of Conduct that is conducted as part of new recruitment and every three years for all employees, or more often if the Code has been significantly updated. The training is adapted to whether you are a hotel employee in Own Operations or if you work for the head office or Leases and is available in eight different languages.

In some parts of Pandox Own Operations, there are sometimes problems with digital access in the workplace, and it is therefore also possible to complete the training in a group format
with a facilitator guide. Employees in Pandox Own Operations also complete their respective hotel brand's own training in business ethics and code of conduct. Pandox's goal is for all employees to have completed the internal digital training on the Code of Conduct. In 2023 the completion rate was 95 (87) percent

No cases of corruption during the year

Pandox works continuously with its internal processes and procedures to minimize the risk of corruption. The anti-corruption policy describes how everyone at Pandox should work with the issue, although practical application varies depending on role. At the slightest question or suspicion of corruption, employees must consult their manager or their manager's manager. The goal is for no cases of corruption to occur either in Pandox's operations or in the supply chain. No cases of corruption were reported in 2023.

The Code of Conduct training includes a clear escalation process for complaints and more serious incidents so that every employee feels confident about who they can report observations and experiences to. In the first step, employees should turn to their manager, secondly to the manager's manager and then to HR. Pandox also has a whistleblowing system managed by an external party where employees and external stakeholders can report misconduct, breaches of policies, laws, etc. No cases were received in 2023 through this system.

The whistleblowing system also provides the possibility to report HR cases anonymously. These are then handled by the respective hotel's HR manager. Two cases (3) were received during the year.